Denis Malerbi photographer

Photographic matrix

Denis Malerbi is a French photographer and videographer, born on the shores of the Mediterranean.
His curiosity and introversion have always made him see life through a framework, as if to protect himself from it, stay at a distance and be able to interpret reality in personal fiction.

With his reporting book under his arm, his arrival in Paris corresponded to his desire to become a fashion photographer.
He is passionate about painting, cinema and music, but also architecture and design.
He diverts and adapts his references into personal creations.

An ability to constantly reinvent himself allows him to achieve collaborations ranging from French magazines to the international editions of Condé Nast and the press of Mondadori or Rizzoli.

Today you are offered the opportunity to acquire some of the images of his recognized productions and his personal research.
His striking portraits and his work on images at the borders of artistic creative processes inspire and fascinate.

His photographs capture the beauty of the human form and its integration into a personal creative universe.

La matrice photographique

Denis Malerbi est un photographe vidéaste français, né sur les bords de la méditerranée.

Sa curiosité et son introversion lui font toujours voir la vie au travers d’un cadre, comme pour se protéger, rester à distance et pouvoir interpréter la réalité en fiction personnelle.

Son book de reportage sous le bras, son arrivée à Paris correspondra au souhait de devenir photographe de mode.

Il est passionné de cinéma. Il détourne, adapte ses références en créations personnelles.

Une capacité à constamment se réinventer lui permet de réaliser des collaborations allant des magazines français aux éditions internationales de Condé Nast et la presse de Mondadori ou Rizzoli.

Aujourd’hui la possibilité vous est offerte d’acquérir des images parmi ses productions les plus reconnues et ses recherches personnelles.
Ses portraits saisissants, ses travaux sur l’image aux confins de processus créatifs artistiques inspirent et fascinent.
Ses photographies capturent la beauté de la forme humaine et son intégration dans un univers créatif et personnel.